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Written By Kiran on Tuesday 21 February 2017 | ANUSHA 05:41:00

Easy Garlic Flatbread is a pillowy, soft and delicious bread recipe that can be served with soup, any gravy (curry) of your choice, or also be used to prepare shawarma wraps, kati rolls, quesadillas or other similar bread flatbread sandwiches. No yeast is used to make this bread.
I had some freshly harvested mushrooms available in my pantry, so as an accompaniment for this bread I wanted to prepare a mushroom dish so that when they are served together they make a complete meal. I remembered the mushroom kati rolls that I used to have for lunch during my college days.
The combination was a super hit. The buttery garlicky flavor from the flatbread combined with spicy mushroom makes every bite delicious and simply irresistible. If you are looking for some quick and easy meal, you should definitely try this out. This bread remains soft for a longer time, so you can also take it for your lunch box.
I have cooked it on a non-stick pan without adding any oil. Feel free to add butter or olive oil while cooking to further enhance its taste if desired. I have directly added the garlic powder. If that is not available substitute it with minced garlic cloves in the recipe. Also feel free to add any herbs and spices of your choice.
Preparation time : 40 minutes
Serves : 10 flatbread

Ingredients for Easy Garlic Flatbread
All purpose flour – 2 cups
Garlic powder – 1 tsp
Salt – 1 tsp
Baking powder – 1 tsp
Yogurt – 1/4 cup
Butter – 2 tbsp
Warm water – 1/2 cup or as needed
Oil – for cooking bread (optional)

Steps to prepare Easy Garlic Flatbread
Step I
  • In a large mixing bowl add all ingredients mentioned in the list except oil and knead to form a smooth and medium soft dough.
  • While adding water to form the dough make sure you add it little by little.
  • Cover and rest for 20 to 30 mins.

Step II
  • After the dough has rested, divide it into 10 equal portions and shape them into lemon-sized balls.
  • On a well floured working surface, using a rolling pin flatten each ball of dough into 6 – 8 inch diameter circle.
Step III
  • Meanwhile, heat a non-stick pan on medium high heat.
  • Fry each flatbread till you see some golden spots approximately 2 minutes on each side. You may apply oil or butter while frying if needed.
  • Repeat this process for remaining flatbreads.
  • Easy garlic flatbread is now ready. Serve these alongside any entree of your choice. Today I have served them with spicy garlic mushroom.


About Kiran


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